Delicious, Affordable Lunches in and Around Elkins, WV
Open to the Public
At Randolph County Senior Center we have three locations available to serve our local seniors, that are also open to the public. We also serve lunch at the Elkins Manor which is open to residents only. All of our locations in Randolph County, WV follow the same delicious and wholesome meal plans which you can view on our menu. If you are a regular we encourage you to bookmark our menu so you can always know what is for lunch. Two of our locations, Cross Roads Café in Elkins and Mill Creek, WV, have a salad bar available. If you have any questions about our locations, joining us for an affordable, high-quality lunch, or would like more information about how we can help you, be sure to give us a call at (304) 636-4747 or fill out our online contact form today.