We Know Seniors

60 Years or Better?
Join Us for Activities and Meals!
No Fees Involved

Welcome to the Randolph County Senior Center, where our members are involved, active, friendly, fun, and young at heart! All persons 60 years of age and better, and their spouses, are invited to join us for our meals and activities. We charge no dues or membership fees.

Lunch Menu

  • Lunch March 27th

    Pork BBQ on WW Bun, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Fruit, Cookie

    March 27


Randolph County Senior Center in Elkins, WV

Services to Keep Seniors Independent and Active

Our services are designed to keep seniors active and living independently. A variety of in-home care programs are offered to meet a full range of needs, including information, outreach, and referrals, as well as transportation, nutrition, recreation, assisted transportation, housekeeping, telephone reassurance, SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program), in-home respite, medical supply lending closet, monthly newsletter, and health screenings.

Stop in and See Us!

To find out more, explore our website, check out our Facebook page, or give us a call. Better yet, stop in for a visit. We would love to see you!

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